
Avengers-Go Fish

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

"Actually," Julie said, getting to her feet. "It's probably time for all little girls to be taken to bed," Gladys whined, burrowing closer to her mother's side. Cherry winced a little, but would never complain to Gladys.
"But Aunt Julie, I want to stay with Mommy!"
Cherry petted her daughter's hair and kissed her forehead, "You've had enough excitement, Gladdi. Go with Aunt Julie, I'll be there shortly to tuck you in,"
Gladys pouted a little, but did as she was told. She hugged Cherry around the shoulders and let Julie pick her up. Pepper came over, guiding the older woman and child to an empty room.
Cherry's eyes became misty as she watched her daughter go and she quickly ducked her head, rubbing her eyes. Amazon watched her friend a slow realization coming over.
Cherry wore a mask better than any of them. Underneath the maternal and smiling exterior, Amazon knew the pain Cherry harbored and some of the secrets she kept (including dallying around with a super villain). But now that Amazon thought back on it, Cherry's falling out with Norman was abrupt and extreme. Cherry never truly fell out with anyone. She hung onto hope until the last thread was cut and even then she was stubborn about it.
"Cherry...what exactly did happened?" Amazon asked softly coming over to her friend's side. This made Tony sit up a little straighter next to the curly haired woman. The team drew a little closer, Steve materializing from his pocket a tissue and handing it to Cherry as Clint came over to stand beside Tony. Thor drew closer as well, frowning a little, as Loki stood by the fire, hands clasped, happy to stay where he was.
Cherry swiped at her eyes as Amazon rubbed her arm. She looked over at the dusky woman, swallowing hard.
"It's Gladdi," She said, her voice tight. "She's...changing. She's.." Cherry closed her eyes tightly. "She's showing signs of the oz serum. I...I wanted to take her somewhere, get her cured or helped at the very least. Norman went mad," She shivers, memories coming back to her. "He forbid me to leave, throwing things, eyes gllowing. He said...if I ever took Gladys from from him...he'd kill me,"
Amazon felt her stomach drop as her eyes widened slightly. She wasn't just shocked by Norman's threat, which in itself was extreme considering how much the man seemed to tolerate Cherry more than the rest of the family; but Amazon feared the other part of that story, the same part that talked about Gladys showing signs of he Oz serum.
"Changing? Oz serum?" Tony asked with a grunt, frowning deeply as the young women looked over at him. "I've heard a little about his serum...super-soldier stuff like the Cap over there," the man gestured to Rogers, who frowned slightly. "Only I thought it was scrapped for being too unstable."
"It /was/," Cherry murmured, her eyes continuing to water as she dabbed at them with a tissue. "Most people can't handle the serum. It would kill them outright if they didn't get treated quickly. Amazon and I have dealt with that firsthand." Amazon blushed again as the others glanced at her.
"But for some reason the wonderful Osborn family has some kind of gene that can not only process the serum, but enhance it. Hence," Amazon held up her hand, fingers flickering back and forth, "the flames."
Cherry exhaled slowly and shook her head. "Which comes along with super-strength, durability, and—"
"—and batshit insanity," Amazon snipped, which drew a chuckle from Tony while the others remained silent. She glanced at Cherry, who seemed to pale slightly, and frowned. "Don't tell me Gladdi is showing signs of insanity..."
"No, nothing like that. But that's my biggest fear. What if she changes too far? What if the serum turns her into...into /that/ out there?" she gestured to the window, but they all knew she meant Norman.

Thor was quiet, his eyes darkening as he looked at where the young girl had been sent for bed. He couldn't possibly imagine the child to turn into whatever had attacked them today. There was too much life and joy in the young girl's eyes, just by the way she treated the heroes in the tower as well as her mother. "Who else knows of this change, Lady Cherry?"
Cherry swallowed hard and shook her head slowly. "No one, I think. I mean, Norman obviously, but Gladdi's father...he doesn't know or doesn't seem to care if he does." She rubbed her sides as they throbbed slightly in pain. "I purposely didn't say a word about it after Norman threatened me, because I didn't want him to hurt anyone else." Amazon sighed and shook her head; Cherry /would/ take on Norman's wrath on her own if it meant no one else would get hurt. She didn't care if the man beat her to a pulp as long as her friends and family were safe.
"Well that's not gonna happen," Tony piped up, drawing looks from the girls. "First of all, Norman's with S.H.I.E.L.D right now so he's not hurting anyone. Second of all, you've got one hell of a bodyguard squad if I do say so myself," he said with a wry smile.
Steve nodded, crossing his arms over his chest, "You won't have anything to fear. We're not going to let anything happen to the little girl or you two,"
Amazon flushed, a smiled crossing her lips as she looked at the dashing young man. He was tall and handsome. He was good, wholly good, and she had never been drawn to anything like that before, but she liked the way he looked at everyone. He made everyone feel they were worth something, worth protecting and looking after.
She missed the dagger like glare of Loki as he slipped closer to the group, his clothes fairly dry now, some of the color returning to his alabaster cheeks. He sidled up to his brother, keeping clear of Clint, who eyed him dangerously. Thor looked down at Loki, being pulled from his thoughts.
"You are looking better, brother," Thor offered and Loki merely inclined his head. He looked at the two women from Cherry who was blowing her nose daintily and wincing at the pressure it put on her ribs to Amazon. The dark hair woman was currently making starry eyes at the Captain as he looked over his charges. The sparkle in her eyes made Loki's chest tighten and his nose wrinkle. He looked away, his hands clenching behind him.
Thor reached over, placing a hand on Loki's shoulder and the other man sneered, smacking his hand away, slinking over to the large wall of windows that lead out to the balcony.
"What's the matter with the Princess?" Tony drawled, leaning back into the sofa. Thor shrugged.
"He drained much of his power assisting us...perhaps he is in need of sustenance,"
Cherry straightened a little, "There were some left overs in the fridge, some pot roast and such,"
Tony grinned, "Have I mentioned how much I love having a woman who can cook around,"
"Hey," Amazon smirked, poking Tony in the ribs. "Don't let Pepper hear you say that,"
Tony snorted and slapped her hand away good naturedly. Cherry smiled warmly at the two. When Amazon helped Cherry get out from Norman's thumb, she had Tony hire her friend. So, Cherry became the billionaire's house keeper. She cleaned and kept the main rooms straightened and made dinners for him and Pepper and occasionally Amazon since they were so busy.
Tony rubbed his hands together, a hungry smile crossing his face as he slowly stood to his feet. "Well I'm definitely in the mood for pot-roast. Anyone else? Anyone?"
Clint, who was still giving Loki a good once-over, slowly dragged his gaze back towards Tony. "Afraid I can't this time, Stark. I'm going to head over to S.H.I.E.L.D to see what's become of Mr. Osborn."
"Sounds good. Oh," Tony turned as he continued to walk backwards towards the kitchen. "Don't tell ol' one-eye about you-know-who," he pointed at Loki, who glared over his shoulder at the billionaire. "That's an order."
"I don't take orders from you, Tony," Clint drawled, slowly making his way towards the elevator. "But I'll do my best."
"You're a real peach, Barton," Tony was now all the way inside of the kitchen, rummaging through his fridge as the archer left.

Amazon exhaled slowly and forked her thumb over her shoulder. "I should probably go too. I have to feed my cat."
"Nonono, your cat'll be just fine for one night, I need to sweep your apartment before you go anywhere NEAR case Green Goblin decided to add some surprises here and there if his first plan didn't work out," Tony retorted, kicking the fridge door closed with an armful of food in his grasp. "You're staying here, at the tower. In fact, there's a whole condo three floors down that you can have all to yourself. Hot shower, nice bed, groovy view. Natasha's supposed to be staying there but I assume she's off globetrotting." He gestured to Cherry, and pointed to the other room. "You're staying here too, with your kid, and that's final."
Cherry smiled faintly and held up her hands in surrender. "I won't argue with that, Mr. Stark."
"Good. Uncle Sam," Tony grinned handsomely at Rogers as the man turned to look at him blandly. "Please escort Ms. Wolfe to her living quarters."
The young woman shot Tony a dark look as the billionaire gave a her a small wink before popping a piece of cold pot-roast into his mouth and waving them off. "The rest of you need to get out of here because I. Am. Beat."

Loki straightened up, watching the lean, tall captain motion for Amazon to step into the elevator ahead of him, watching her hazel eyes dart back and forth between the captain and the floor under her feet. She looked like she was blushing again, which only stoked the angry sparks springing to life in his gut. He didn't like the way she looked at the captain. He wasn't sure why, but it rubbed him the wrong way, and he didn't like that feeling one bit.
Tony rubbed his hands together, a hungry smile crossing his face as he slowly stood to his feet. "Well I'm definitely in the mood for pot-roast. Anyone else? Anyone?"
Clint, who was still giving Loki a good once-over, slowly dragged his gaze back towards Tony. "Afraid I can't this time, Stark. I'm going to head over to S.H.I.E.L.D to see what's become of Mr. Osborn."
"Sounds good. Oh," Tony turned as he continued to walk backwards towards the kitchen. "Don't tell ol' one-eye about you-know-who," he pointed at Loki, who glared over his shoulder at the billionaire. "That's an order."
"I don't take orders from you, Tony," Clint drawled, slowly making his way towards the elevator. "But I'll do my best."
"You're a real peach, Barton," Tony was now all the way inside of the kitchen, rummaging through his fridge as the archer left.

Amazon exhaled slowly and forked her thumb over her shoulder. "I should probably go too. I have to feed my cat."
"Nonono, your cat'll be just fine for one night, I need to sweep your apartment before you go anywhere NEAR case Green Goblin decided to add some surprises here and there if his first plan didn't work out," Tony retorted, kicking the fridge door closed with an armful of food in his grasp. "You're staying here, at the tower. In fact, there's a whole condo three floors down that you can have all to yourself. Hot shower, nice bed, groovy view. Natasha's supposed to be staying there but I assume she's off globetrotting." He gestured to Cherry, and pointed to the other room. "You're staying here too, with your kid, and that's final."
Cherry smiled faintly and held up her hands in surrender. "I won't argue with that, Mr. Stark."
"Good. Uncle Sam," Tony grinned handsomely at Rogers as the man turned to look at him blandly. "Please escort Ms. Wolfe to her living quarters."
The young woman shot Tony a dark look as the billionaire gave a her a small wink before popping a piece of cold pot-roast into his mouth and waving them off. "The rest of you need to get out of here because I. Am. Beat."

Loki straightened up, watching the lean, tall captain motion for Amazon to step into the elevator ahead of him, watching her hazel eyes dart back and forth between the captain and the floor under her feet. She looked like she was blushing again, which only stoked the angry sparks springing to life in his gut. He didn't like the way she looked at the captain. He wasn't sure why, but it rubbed him the wrong way, and he didn't like that feeling one bit.
Cherry rolled her eyes with a smile as she began to press herself to a stand when a large hand came into her view. Thor stood there, a gentle smile on his handsome, whiskered face. She blushed darkly and slipped her smaller hand into his. He pulled her to her feet like she was nothing.
"May I assist you to your room?" He asked and Cherry felt her heart slamming in her aching ribs. She nodded her head meekly. She just barely reached the god's shoulder and for all his muscle and stature, he was actually very gentle.
He offered her his elbow in a courtly manner and Cherry felt her blush creep down her neck as she accepted it, wrapping her hands around his brawny forearm.

Loki sneered as his brother lead the other woman off, slowly to not aggravate her wounds. That just left Loki in the kitchen, alone, with Stark. The dark man glared at Loki.
"I said get lost Princess," Tony snipped, his eyes darkening. Loki narrowed his glittering eyes at the man, his hands turning into impotent claws, before turning and stalking out of the kitchen.

"Here we go," Steve chirped as the elevator doors opened. Amazon was happy to get out of the elevator which had felt like the longest ride of her life. She felt ridiculously filthy next to the shining man, and wanted nothing more than to take a shower and scrub her skin clean. But she also wanted so much to stay in the good man's light.
Thor and Cherry saw Pepper and Julie standing outside of the spare room where Gladys must have been, talking in hushed tones. Once they spotted the god and the small woman beside him, Pepper gave her a gentle smile and gestured to the door. "She's already asleep. Poor thing was exhausted."
"Thank you, Pepper, for letting us stay here." She looked over at Julie, who still held a haunted look on her otherwise stunning features. "Jules, would you like to stay with us tonight?"
"Oh, no, Ms. Potts has another room set up for me," Julie murmured, glancing up at Thor as the man remained silent. Her eyes flickered down to Cherry, who looked exhausted and ready to collapse at any moment, and the older woman stepped aside. "Get some rest, Cher."

The two older women watched as Thor helped Cherry into her room, careful to keep from bumping into anything in the dim light. It was difficult, given his large size, but he managed to lead her mid-way before she broke free of his arm and slowly moved towards her daughter. The girl was fast asleep, her small mouth open and her golden hands twitching slightly as Cherry hovered over her. "What I wouldn't give to take all of this back, so she would never have to see her grandfather in a state like this," Cherry said softly as Thor looked on from behind.
"It is not your fault Lady Cherry. He is the only one to blame for this madness. The little one will understand. She looks to be like someone who is wise beyond her years."
Cherry gave a soft laugh and nodded, running her hand across the girl's mocha-colored hair. "You couldn't be more right, sir."


Amazon gave a little duck of her head, trying to conceal her giddy smile as she stepped out into the apartment, which lit up once it sensed a human presence in the room. "Um, thank you, Captain Rogers. Sir."
"Please, ma'am. Steve'll do just fine," he said with a handsome grin and a nod of his head. "Are you sure you don't need anything else? Maybe you want me to steal some of that pot-roast from Mr. Stark?"
Amazon gave a soft laugh, shaking her head as she kept her eyes down to the ground. "No sir. Erm...Steve. Thanks." She wished she didn't sound like such a bumbling fool in front of the man, but it was hard not to get flustered around him. He was just so...perfect. "Well you have yourself a good night. I, uh," she shivered, glancing over her shoulder at the wall of windows displaying the lights of the skyscrapers surrounding Stark Tower. She felt a cold trickle running down her spine and dragged her eyes back to Rogers, who seemed confused.
"Everything alright?"
"Y-Yeah, fine. Just...I guess I'm just a little jumpy after tonight." She gave the man a final nod. "I'll see you around si--Steve."
"You too, Amazon," the man said with a small chuckle in his throat before letting the doors close between them.

Amazon gave a heavy sigh and rubbed the back of her neck, the cold feeling refusing to leave her as she stalked towards the bathroom. She had to be imagining it, the feeling of being watched. Hopefully once she got in bed and tried to sleep, the feeling wouldn't persist so much.
"She is...the most wonderful thing in my life," Cherry said thickly. "I'd die for her.."
Thor laid a heavy hand on her shoulder and shook his head as Cherry looked up at him.
"Do not. No child should be without their parents. Leave the fighting to us. My comrades and I have sworn to protect you and your daughter. Let us wage war," He gave that gentle smile. "You should tend to your daughter,"
Cherry swallowed hard and reached up with a trembling hand and touched the thick fingers on her shoulder.
"Thank saved my life. I can't repay that,"
Thor shook his head again, "You never shall have to. I more than happy to take on such a debt,"

Amazon quickly stripped down, and stepped into the shower,cranking the heat away hoping it would take away the chilled feeling. Dirt, blood,and debris fell to the shower floor, being washed away by the steaming water. She went over everything in her mind and her brain kept flickering back to that moment in the car when she thought she was dead. When Loki suddenly appeared and saved her life.
Cherry's heart twisted in her chest as the tall man squeezed her shoulder gently, careful not to injure her with his godly strength. "You are weary. I fear keeping you up a moment longer will only drain you further." He let his hand slip from her shoulder, only to take her small palm in his. With all the courtly tenderness he possessed, Thor raised his hand to her lips and gave her a small kiss on her knuckles. "I shall be by in the morning to make sure everything is alright."
Thankful for the darkness that covered her, Cherry blushed furiously and blinked several times in surprise, her heart hammering hard behind her ribs. " you."
The god straightened and released Cherry's hand, smiling handsomely before he turned on his heels and stalked out of the room, his red cape billowing behind him. Cherry remained dumbfounded, looking at her hand before turning back to the closed door and giving a soft, breathless laugh of disbelief. It had been a very long time since she had met a man with such manners, especially one that looked like he'd rather be chomping down on a leg of mutton recalling war stories than meddling in human affairs.

Thor exited the room swiftly, Pepper and Julie no longer in front of the door; the latter had probably gone to bed while the former sat with Tony on the semi-circle couch with a plate of food in front of the both of them. Tony looked up at the god and gestured to his plate. "Hey, buddy, you hungry? We got plenty left."
"No thank you, Stark. I do require a place to rest, however."
Tony snorted and pointed at the elevator. "Go bunk with your baby brother. Two floors down. I'm pretty sure that's where he scuttled off to."

She closed her eyes, letting the hot water run over her as the images flashed before her mind. Loki's lean body twisted in the wreckage of the car as he cut her loose from the seatbelt, his grasp on her arms as she felt a tug on her body, like someone had yanked her backwards, before reappearing in the alley across the street. She could picture his face, his pale green eyes filled with concern and strength when he told her to hold on to him the first time. It wasn't at all like the brooding, silent man that was sitting upstairs a moment ago. He actually looked like he cared about her safety. Otherwise he could have just let her perish in that explosion.
Amazon sputtered, water flying from her lips as she dragged her hands down the length of her face, her throat tightening with emotion as she tried hard to keep it together. She kept replaying the moment over and over in her head, the sound of Cherry's scream ripping at her heart as she gave a choking sob. This was the fourth time she had almost bit the big one within the span of months. And this was the second time Loki had been the one to spare her of such a fate. If she wasn't so furious with him, she actually felt like she owed him a debt of gratitude.
She wasn't quite tired yet, so many things flashing through her mind. She slid onto the bed and pulled Gladys close to her. So much had happened. She had been living in fear for nearly a year for her daughter. She had told no one. Not her family or her friends. SHe'd been so scared of what Norman would do.
She remembered one day when she came home from work and Norman had locked Gladys in the basement, trying to get her to evoke her true powers. Cherry had flown at Norman in the type of rage only a scared mother can possess. It did nothing. He flung Cherry away, poncing on her, threatening to reduce her to a smear on the ground. If Anatoly had not intervened, Cherry didn't know what would have happened.
Her heart twisted at the thought of her estranged lover. After that night, he didn't dare stay in New York anymore. Norman had beaten him within an inch of his life. Ana begged Cherry to come with him to Europe, but Cherry refused. She couldn't leave her family, she couldn't make Ana suffer anymore. She let him go.
Amazon gave herself over to her emotions. She leaned against the wall and let it all out. She sobbed under the spray of hot water and wondered just what in the world she had done to deserve a life like this. Some days she wished she just lived in a perfect "Leave it to Beaver" lifestyle. Boring and normal where there were no explosions, no super villains, no pain.
She sniffled as she turned the water off, a chill still forming in her gut as she stepped out of the stall and began to dry off.
Cherry swallowed back the lump forming in her throat as she thought of her pale lover's face the day he left. She could see it in his violet eyes that he didn't want her to stay, but knew there was no way Cherry would leave the city, or her daughter, behind. The young woman gazed down at her child as the girl slept blissfully. Gladys was aware of the changes, but was still too young to understand what having Oz power running through her veins truly meant.
She was so scared, especially the further her grandfather began to spiral. She'd tell her mother that the older man sat for hours alone in his office, staring at the fire-place and talking in hushed, muttering tones. When Gladys tried to console him, to sooth his fractured mind as she had always been able to, he'd fly into a rage and snarl at her, frightening the little girl to tears.
It hadn't been this way with Harry, who was also carrying the Oz serum in his blood. But the younger Osborn, after the divorce, disappeared and left mother and daughter stranded and penniless. Norman had done his best to keep the two cared for, which made this attack even more painful to imagine. How could a man who kept their small family glued together fall so far over the edge?
Cherry gave Gladys a soft kiss on her forehead and exhaled slowly. So many questions...she hoped that, now that Norman was in custody, she could finally get some of them answered. But that wouldn't be for a long time, when she could finally face the monster without breaking down.

Amazon inhaled shakily as she twisted the towel around her petite frame and shuffled into the master bedroom. She could have had that life if she hadn't gone running in the other direction. The wife of a top lawyer in New York City...she could have had money, status, a good life without fear of villains trying to blow her up on her way home. But of course that ship had long sailed, and Amazon found herself scraping by until she landed the job here at Stark Industries. She worked directly under Pepper and Mr. Stark, who had a soft spot for the girl and took her under their wing. She was so grateful for their help, she couldn't ask for a better job.
The young woman began to rummage through a set of drawers, drying her tears with the back of her wrist as she sniffled loudly. Hopefully Natasha wouldn't mind her looking around for something to sleep in. She pursed her lips and looked over her shoulder, still unable to shake her unease; she definitely needed to get to sleep now to calm her nerves. There was nothing to fear. No Norman, no Goblin, no more things being blown up. She was safe here in the tower, protected by some of the strongest heroes in the city.
Amazon found herself in the kitchen a few moments later, her damp hair pulled to the side and drying in the air. She pried open the freezer and smiled, pulling out a bottle of vodka being kept cool inside. "Oh bless you Ms. Romanoff. You are my new favorite Avenger," she said her smile widening as she poured herself shot of liquor and toasted it to no one in particular, gazing out of the vast wall of windows with a sigh. "To another day, Wolfe," she murmured. "Try not to do anything stupid tomorrow." With that, the young woman was tossing back her first shot and wincing as it burned all the way down. She squeezed her eyes shut and coughed, setting the glass down beside her as the alcohol warmed the pit of her stomach for just a few seconds.
She was just about to reach out blindly for the vodka and pour another shot when something bright flashed before her closed eyes. Amazon's gaze shot open and her head jerked up suddenly, whipping around to look at the dark apartment. The cold chill that had persisted since she arrived had suddenly vanished, but she could have sworn she saw or heard something right before it did. Amazon pursed her lips, swallowing past the burn in her throat and capping the vodka before she slipped out of the kitchen. No more victory shots tonight. She was starting to lose it now...she needed to just hide under the covers until morning and she'd be fine. Or, at least, so she hoped.


There was silence on the other side of the door and Thor furrowed his brow, knocking a bit harder. "Loki?" He exhaled roughly and glanced over his shoulder at the elevator, wondering if his brother had gone outside of the tower for a bit when he suddenly heard the door swing open in front of him. Thor turned, gazing down slightly at his smaller brother, who's pallid figure had returned to it's normal shade of alabaster and who's green eyes glimmered mischievously as they eyed Thor. "Brother? Why did you not answer my call?"
"I didn't hear it right away. I've answered it now, haven't I?" The lithe man purred, his gaze darting around the hall to make sure no one was around before he stepped aside. "I take it Stark has sent you here to stay and keep an eye on me?"
"He sent me here," Thor said as he edged his way into the small living quarters, "but mostly to rest. I take it you can keep an eye on yourself."
The pale god's lip curled slightly with a faint smile as he shut the door. "I am surprised you haven't decided to stay with the mother and child."
"They have Stark just down the hall." Thor set his hammer down beside a small brown leather couch, which barely looked big enough for him to sleep on. "If they require my assistance, I will be there."
"I just meant," Loki continued, lingering by the door as he licked his lips in thought, "you two seem to get along...well."
"And you seem to get along with no one," Thor countered with a handsome smile as he slumped onto the small couch.
"No, I do not," Loki said easily as he slid into the room. His gait rolling easily as he made his way over to Thor. "I suppose it's in me to be...cold with other people,"
The nettle found it's mark as the large man's shoulders hunched slightly, his face pinching.
"Loki, brother, you know that does not matter to me," He said softly and Loki snorted, sitting on the arm of the couch.
"Then you are the only one," He sneered. "And all you've done is managed to get me banished to this seventh circle of hell,"
Thor sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. It was going to be this argument again.
"You know what would have happened to you if you had stayed," The thunder god murmured. "They would have handed you over to the Chitauri...or they would have killed you,"
Loki sidled him a look that seemed to ask if that was worse than than staying in the mortal plane. Thor decided to change the subject.
"That woman, Lady Amazon," Thor said quietly. "You saved her,"
Loki gave a small scoff in his throat as he glanced out the window across the room. "Yes, and I regret the decision so very much."
Thor chuckled beside him and nudged his brother in the ribs. "Surely you do not mean that."
"Oh I most certainly do," Loki sneered as he gazed over at Thor. "I should have let her precious Captain Rogers do the rescuing. She seems far more grateful for him saving the woman and small girl than for me risking my own life for her!"
The gold-haired god raised a brow as the pale of the two grew broodily silent. "Is that jealousy I sense in you, brother?"
"Hardly," Loki pushed himself to his feet, gaining some height over his seated brother as the man gazed up at him. "If anything I should be grateful for Rogers for taking her attention from me. She's been nothing but a bothersome little insect buzzing around my head all night."
Thor didn't seem convinced, resting his arms across the back of the couch and smiling charmingly. Loki only glared back at him, trying to push down the nagging feeling that wriggled in his stomach as he thought about the young woman traipsing around the apartment a floor below. "How did you do it? Save her, I mean? How did you know where she was?"
"How /didn't/ I? I could hear her screaming and cursing all the way from here." Loki snorted and shook his head. "I cut her from her restraints and we transported to the other side of the street."
"A very brave thing to do for someone you loathe so very much, is it not, Brother?"
"I'm trying to redeem myself, remember, brother?" Loki sniffed, clasping his hands behind his back. "I saved her in hopes of gaining my powers back,"
Thor sighed, running a hand through his long hair, "Loki, it does not work that way,"
"Would you have rather I left her there to die?" Loki demanded and Thor looked exasperated.
"Of course not," Thor said. "To leave Lady Amazon to die would have devastated Lady Cherry. You should have seen her grieve when she thought her dead,"
The slender god growled softly, "Thoughts turning to the sweet mortal already, brother?"
Thor sighed again, shaking his head, "You are impossible tonight, Loki. Perhaps you have exhausted yourself with all you're magic," He reached over and grasped Loki's shoulder. "You should go and rest,"
Loki frowned and rolled his shoulder out from under Thor's hand. "Yes, perhaps I should." He gestured to the couch where Thor had been sitting. "I hope you do not mind such a meager place to lay your head tonight."
Thor looked back and gave a sigh, shrugging. "It is only for one night, I hope. I will survive." He gave Loki a firm whack between the shoulder-blades, a kind of tap that held much more strength behind it than he was expecting. Loki sputtered and murmured a soft curse under his breath as Thor chuckled. "Sleep well brother." The thin man shook his head and swept himself out of the room, towards the bed he had called home for the past few months living here at Stark Tower.

Thor seemed amused by his brother's sour attitude, and enjoyed needling him when he could. He missed the days when they would go back and forth in jest, but hopefully that would all return one day, when Loki's feelings of betrayal and distrust were all but gone. Sighing as he lay across the couch, booted feet hanging over the arm while he tucked his hands under the back of his head and stared up at the ceiling, the large god closed his eyes. Maybe by tomorrow his brother would be rested enough to have a conversation without blowing up in frustration. Especially around Lady Cherry and her child. The last thing he wanted was for Loki to become dangerous and upset around the mother and her small daughter.
Morning came not nearly as peacefully as Cherry had hoped. she had fallen asleep quickly enough, but the calm was hard to keep. She kept sliding in and out of nightmares. She woke up in a near panic when she noticed her daughter was not beside her.
"Gladdi?" Cherry trilled, looked around for the golden girl. She ignored the pulse beat which seemed to have set up in her ribs, wincing as she pushes herself out of bed and staggered out calling for her daughter.

Amazon found herself feeling much better after a night of sleep. She was definitely jealous of Agent Romanoff. She wondered what she would have to do to get Tony to let her have a swanky apartment like that. She stretched and sighed, her hair sticking up every which way. She really needed breakfast. She groaned and slipped out of bed, hoping Natasha wouldn't mind if she borrowed some more clothes since her others were disgusting.
Her heart raced wildly as she looked around the hall, stumbling out into the main living area, when suddenly Cherry froze in place.
"Hi mommy!"
The young woman's gaze darted from her daughter, who was perfectly fine and sitting on a small ottoman with her legs tucked underneath her, to the broad man seated across from the girl wearing a handsome smile. "Ah, good morning, Lady Cherry. How did you fare last night?"
Cherry's mouth felt suddenly dry as she realized just how panicked and disheveled she must have looked. Straightening up as much as she could without her ribs throbbing in pain, the woman cleared her throat and nodded stiffly. "Um. I-I fared...uh, not so well. Gladdi, what are you doing out of bed at this hour?"
"I heard aunt Julie talking to Mr. Stark, telling him she wanted to go grab some clothes for us and needed a ride to your apartment." The small girl looked at Thor, who looked quite rested for someone who had just slept on a tiny couch. "He asked Mr. Thor to come upstairs while he was gone to make sure we were okay."
"I hope we did not wake you," the man murmured as he pointed at the girl. "Your little one was teaching me a very peculiar earth game called "Go Fish."" He held up his fistful of cards. "I think I am losing."
"By a lot," Gladys chirped as her mother struggled to understand what was happening. God of thunder and her daughter...playing cards?


Amazon looked through Natasha's wardrobe, blowing out a puff of air from between her lips as she sighed. She hoped the slim agent would have some clothes that actually fit her, let alone not look too risque on her curvier frame. "No catsuits on the job," Amazon chided to herself, smirking as she found a fairly tame blouse and black pencil skirt. That would work for now, at least until she got back home...whenever that would be. Didn't seem like Tony wanted her out of his sight, even with Norman under arrest. She didn't understand why; the old goblin thought she had been blown to Amazon confetti...the last place he'd go would be to her apartment.

After changing into her outfit and trying tame her hair somewhat, the young intern gathered her things and scampered towards the elevator, hugging her clothes to her chest and her shoes in her hands. Hopefully Cherry was awake, she thought as her stomach growled irritably. She loved Cherry's meals ever since college and had grown a bit spoiled working in the Tower and having the young woman serving meals to the trio day in and day out.
Thor scratched the back of his head, "I am still not sure I am understanding this game,"
GLadys laughed, obviously enjoying herself, "It's an easy game!"
Thor chuckled, infected by the girl's bright laughter,"Easy perhaps for you, little one. I fare much better with games of strength,"
/No doubt/ Cherry thought a moment, her eyes flickering over Thor's brawny frame. She blushed as she caught herself and looked away before Thor could notice.
"Well..." Cherry said softly. "Maybe I could help,"
Thor looked relieved and made room for Cherry to sit beside him, "It would be greatly appreciated, my lady,"
Gladys tittered again at this and it made Cherry flush brighter.

Amazon made her way up to the kitchen. She sighed, feeling very sore and tender from yesterday. When she entered the stainless steel cavern, Amazon noticed Cherry was not there. Instead Loki stood, looking out the windows, nursing a cup of coffee in his hand. He still had the large ugly bruise on his forehead. She wasn't sure whether to say hello or not. She didn't want to startle the man, but didn't know if a hello was worth his snark.
Before she could say anything Loki drawled at her, "I hear lurking in doorways is rude, Lady Amazon,"
The young woman leaned over and looked at his cards, her eyes darting up to meet Thor's as she smiled at him. "You have a few pairs in here you can put down. And," she pointed at one of his cards. "Try asking if she has this one."
Thor furrowed his brow, obeying her orders as he placed down some cards and cleared his throat. "Do you have the man with the tiny J?"
"A jack?" Gladys huffed and, begrudgingly handed over the card. "Mooom, you're not supposed to help him win!"
"No, by all means," Thor said with a wry smile as he placed the cards down. "You should help me win."
Cherry laughed, her blush fading a bit more as she tucked a curl of hair behind her ear. "Well I'll do my best, but I have to warn you, she's very good." She looked up at Gladys, who was grinning from ear to ear proudly. "Plus I may have to leave you on your own to get breakfast started."
"Well do not let me be the one to stop you," Thor said as he tapped her shoulder. "Stark has spoken very highly of your culinary skills."
"Oh he tends to exaggerate," the young woman said as she felt warmth creep up her neck.


Amazon exhaled softly, running a hand through her waves of unruly hair as she slowly made her way over to the coffee machine. "Funny. I thought you liked lurking." She watched the lean man glance over at her, his venomous green eyes looking less fierce and menacing in the soft morning light filtering into the building. "Don't think I don't see you wandering around up here when I'm busy helping Ms. Potts and Mr. Stark, moping around the windows or near the fireplace..."
Loki inhaled slowly before turning away, a faint smirk turning up the corner of his lips as he continued to stare out at the city. "I've been caught, I see. I will have to be more careful next time...stay out of your /very/ perceptive radar."
Amazon's narrowed her eyes slightly at the back of the god's head as he took a small sip on his coffee cup. Sarcastic, sure, but at least he wasn't snarling at her like last night. She figured this was the best she was going to get this early in the morning. "So. How are you feeling?" She asked softly, her eyes grazing over his tall, lean frame. He wasn't wearing the Asgardian armor from last night, instead dressed in a simple black sweater over a white shirt and dark gray slacks. He looked so...normal.
"I'm feeling rather let down by this hot beverage you mortals always rave on about," Lokie murmured with a sigh as he looked into his cup with his mouth twisted into a frown. "It tastes terrible..."
"I had some of your "Pot Roast"," Thor said, rolling the foreign name around on his tongue. "I greatly enjoyed it. I do not think Stark exaggerates,"
Cherry bobbed her head, her cheeks going pink as she looked at Thor, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, uh..Thor?" she asked, unsure if she should put a title in front of it. The large man inclined his head.
"Yes, Lady Cherry," He said as Gladys asked for a Queen. Cherry pointed out the card to Thor and he relinquished it to the small girl.
"You don't need to call me, "Lady"," She murmured softly. "Just Cherry is fine,"
" are a lady," He said looked up at her. He looked genuinely confused she did not want to be called by a proper title. Cherry felt her heart flutter in her chest as her eyes met his.

Amazon laughed gaining a cross look from Loki. She crossed over and poured a cup of coffee, "That's because you haven't had one made by the master," She said.
She grabbed milk, sugar, and some cinnamon. She quickly made a quick mixture, sweetening and flavoring the coffee before handing it over to Loki, trading him mugs. The trickster looked at the new cup of liquid and then back at her dubiously.
"Try it," Amazon grinned. He lifted his lip a little before taking a pull on the coffee.
Amazon waited, watching his eyes fix themselves on her as he sipped, and gave a small knowing grin when his brows came together in concentration as he took the cup away from his lips. "Well?"
The pale man gazed at the cup, then at the woman, before giving a scoff under his breath and bringing the mug up to his lips once more. " is more tolerable like this."
"I'll take 'tolerable,'" she chirped, smiling wider and dumping his strong, black coffee down the drain. "You just let me take care of the caffeinated beverages and I promise you won't be disappointed." She rinsed off the cup, using it to make herself her own drink as she watched Loki from the corner of her eyes. "So...I take it your big brother is somewhere around here too?"
"In the other room, playing games with the small girl." Loki shrugged slightly and gazed over at the young woman as she hissed under her breath after burning her thumb on the cup. His eyes grazed over her petite figure, the frilly blouse leading to a curve-hugging skirt that forced Loki to swallow a particularly large mouthful of coffee before he could help himself.
"Oh, so Cherry and Gladdi are awake?" Amazon murmured as she sucked on her thumb. "And here I am without a warm breakfast sitting before me. Gonna have to have a little chat with the chef..." She looked up at the man, who was still grimacing as the hot coffee streamed down his throat slowly. "Come on. Don't just sit around the kitchen all morning."

Cherry laughed softly as she gazed down at the floor. "Well, yes, I am a lady. But," she looked up at the man with a faint smile, "Cherry is just fine with me."
"Then, Cherry it shall be," the man murmured, his voice just a soft rumble in his chest as he grinned handsomely at her. "But, you must forgive me if I slip up. It is a hard habit to break."
Nodding, Cherry's face felt like it was hurting at this point from how wide she was smiling. He seemed so innocent and child-like in his understanding of the world, and he was quite sweet. All of his courtly manners were endearing to the young woman, who wasn't used to such kindness. "I'll forgive you, Thor. No problem."

"Forgive him for what?"

Cherry, Thor, and Gladdi looked up at the sound of a new voice, watching the golden young woman that approached the couch with a hot cup of coffee in her hands.
"Have you insulted her already, brother?" Loki piped from behind Amazon as he lingered by the wall, leaning against it. "The sun's barely up."
"No, of course I haven't," the god grunted, rolling his eyes at the thin man.
"What's going on?" Amazon smiled as she walked over and observed the pile of cards. Gladys grinned up the dusky skinned woman and help up her cards.
"I'm teaching Mr. Thor how to play Go Fish!" She announced and Amazon chortled, ruffling the girl's hair.
"Oh boy," She said as she looked at the large man. "Did anyone tell you she's the best Go Fish player around<"
Thor's face pulled into a pout as he looked at his large handful of cards, "No. I did not know this and..this game confuses me. It is called Go Fish and yet...there are no fish in this deck,"
Gladys gave a bright peal of laughter, holding her sides.
"That's silly!" She said and Thor smirked a little at her.
Cherry was glad for the sudden interruption, allowing her to straighten away from the large god, and smooth her hair self conconciously.
"I guess I should get into the kitchen and start on breakfast," Cherry murmured, smiling at the others.
Amazon sighed and watched her friend press to a stand. "I think that's a wonderful idea," she chimed in, her grin wide as Cherry threw her a wry look.
Gladys was next to pipe up, her green eyes dancing as she placed her cards down on the ottoman. "Mommy, can we have pancakes?"
"Sure thing, sweetie," the young woman replied, gesturing for her to come along with her to the kitchen. "I'm going to need a good helper though. Do you mind if I take her for a while and interrupt your game, Thor?" the god waved her off with his handsome grin and Cherry felt her stomach stir up with butterflies. Gladys slid off of the seat and skipped after her mother, eager to help out in the kitchen if it meant pancakes would be served.
Stepping around the couch, Amazon took a seat on the other side of the semicircle furniture, one arm draped over the back of the couch while the other held her coffee mug up to her lips. "So...Thor..." she began, watching the god's blue eyes flicker up to meet hers. A sly grin crossed her features. "You and Cherry seem to be getting along well."
Thor glanced over at Loki, who kept silent as he waited for his brother's response; he never got a real answer from the god last night when the same point was brought up by the trickster. Turning to Amazon, Thor kept his voice low and free of any tone she could misconstrue. "She is a kind woman. With a very charming daughter," he murmured.
"Hm," Amazon hummed before bringing her cup to her lips, sipping quietly.
Gladys tittered as she clambered up a stool as Cherry began to gather the different items she needed.
"Did you sleep okay, Gladys?" Cherry asked softly as the little girl kicked her legs idly. Gladys nodded as she watched her mother.
"I did. I didn't have any bad dreams," She said. Cherry was relieved to hear that. Gladys had been having bad dreams for a while, not that she blamed her. Cherry began to mix the batter together as Gladys hummed to herself before saying. "I like Mr. Thor. I like him a lot. He knows lots of funny stories,"
"Oh?" Cherry said."What kinds of stories?"

Thor cocked a blonde brow and looked at Amazon, "Hmm?" He returned and Amazon grinned, sipping on her coffee.
"Oh, it's nothing. Just a little observation, that's all," She said.
"What kind of observation?" Thor asked warily and Loki grinned as she watched. He liked seeing his brother being the one put under the microscope for a change.
"Lots of stories. Like when he was out and he saw these funny animals with big horns and scales," she glanced up in thought, her lips screwed up as she narrowed her eyes. "I can't remember what he said they were called, but he didn't seem to like them very much."
"Ah, so he's telling you about his adventures in Asgard, is he?" Cherry said with a grin as the girl nodded. "You know, from what Mr. Stark has told me, Thor is a very important man there. He's a prince."
The small girl's eyes grew large as she stared at her mother. "A prince? Really? Wait," she hesitated, her face the picture of concentration. "Is he a prince the same way people say I'm a little princess?"
Cherry laughed, touching her daughter's nose and leaving a smudge of flour behind. "So humble. And no, he is a real prince. Like the kind I read about for you at bedtime."
"Wow...that's pretty cool."

"I just think it's cute that you get along so well with her. And Gladdi." Amazon watched the man's eyes search her face with a frown. "Like I said...just an observation."
"Well if we are sharing observations," Thor countered, tilting his head slightly as he smirked at Amazon, who stared suspiciously at him.
"Go on...what exactly have you observed?"
Thor's eyes flickered over to his brother, who was watching the two over the edge of his cup. "Just the way you seemed to grow nervous around Rogers last night." He was met with Amazon sputtering into her coffee, sitting up straight as a smug grin crossed his lips.
"That's...not...relevant," Amazon hissed, clearing her throat as she heard the thunder god chuckle in his throat. "I'm...I didn't get nervous around him. You misunderstood."
"Oh? So when /I'm/ making observations, it is a mistake. But /you/ don't?" Thor stroked his chin, looking up at his brother as the pale trickster's grin had all but disappeared. "Brother, she isn't denying my statement."
"No. She is not," Loki murmured darkly as the young woman scoffed from her seat.
"Not fair, we were talking about YOU, not ME. Your statement is irrelevant," she repeated as the blonde man laughed aloud. "And now you're changing the subject."
Cherry gave a little nod as she began to spoon the batter onto the hot griddle. There was a subtle hiss that filled the kitchen and the smell of vanilla and sweet things. Gladys grinned at her mother as she watched her.
"Do you think he lives in a castle?" Gladys asked as Cherry began to stack the fluffy pancakes on a plate.
"I'm sure he lives some place wonderous," Cherry said as she began to pour more batter on the griddle, settling into a rhythm. "Maybe if you ask him, he'll tell you all about it,"
The little girl's eyes sparkled, her imagination already running away with princes, dragons, and magic.

"I am not changing the subject," Thor said, his blue eyes dancing as Amazon huffed at him. "As I said, I was merely making an observation,"
Amazon opened her mouth to retort when the elevator doors swept open and Steve walked through with Julie who had a small suitcase packed at her side.
"Making observations about what?" Steve asked cheerily, a smile on his wholesome face. Loki's eyes glimmered darkly as pulled his coffee mug from his lips.
"We were just talking about Lad-"
"We were discussing Thor learning out to play Go Fish," Amazon interjected throwing the pale man a venomous look. Steve looked at Thor who was looking at Amazon blankly. There was still a mess of cards on the ottoman and Steve grinned.
"Go Fish? I haven't played that in years,"
Julie smiled as she set the suitcase down, "Oh, you played with Gladdi, didn't you? She's one of the best,"

Nick Fury walked through the halls of the large hover fortress. He still found himself getting turned around. Every since Loki and the Avengers had nearly gutted the other one, it was still being repaired. The second hovercraft was slightly larger, the floor plan bigger, and Fury was still getting lost. He hated it.
He stepped into the room he'd been heading for, several minutes late. Two people already waited for him. Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff stood to either side of the groggy, bruised man.
Norman Osborn was stripped of his flight suit and dressed in the rough orange jumper of most inmates, which suited Fury just fine. He was manacled to a metal chair and seemed to be coming out of whatever drug induced stupor he'd been in.
"So I have been told. Several times. And been witness to," Thor said, exhaling roughly as he leaned back in his seat and folded his arms. If Amazon didn't know better, she would have thought the god was pouting. "I've lost twice already."
"Told you she was good," Julie stated, grinning as she walked behind the group to bring her case into the other room.
Rogers stepped forward, giving the men a nod of greeting before glancing down at Amazon as she tried to avoid his gaze. "Good morning, ma'am. You're looking nice and rested," he murmured.
Amazon giggled stupidly, ducking her head and curling a strand of hair behind her ear as she murmured a soft, "Yeah," before wincing at how lame she sounded. Glancing up at the handsome man, she held up her mug. "D-Do you want some coffee? There's a fresh batch brewing right now."
"Oh I'd love some, thank you." He stepped back, allowing the young intern to shuffle towards the kitchen before finding a seat for himself. He gestured to Loki, who's icy green gaze hadn't left him since he walked into the room. "How's the head?" he asked, but was met with cold silence as the god pulled on his own drink. Rogers shook his head and gazed over at the golden man beside him. "Cheerful as always. Thor? Is it just my imagination or do I smell something delicious in the air? I take it Ms. Cherry has started preparing breakfast?"
"Yes, with the little one."

Amazon came bustling into the kitchen as Cherry and Gladys were discussing what kind of fantastic creatures must have lived on Asgard. "Steve's here. Better throw a few more cakes on the griddle," the golden woman stated as she began to fix another cup of coffee.
Cherry raised an eyebrow, a playful smile crossing her lips. "You and Captain Rogers on a first name basis now?"
Amazon blushed, whipping her head around as her friend laughed softly. "Hey, he /told/ me to call him Steve," she stated firmly, mumbling after, "it's better than me getting all stupid and calling him Sir Captain Rogers Steve, or whatever my dumb brain would come up with."
Gladys kicked her feet back and forth childishly, watching Amazon mix up some cream and sugar in the dark brown beverage. "Aunt Amazon, is Thor really a prince?"
"Hm? Oh, he sure is. He and his brother are both princes back on Asgard."
Gladys furrowed her brow, looking confused. "Then how come they're here? I'd rather be somewhere where I'm a princess thAn where I'm not."
"Smart kid," Amazon chuckled, looking over at her mother as she did the same. "Thor's came here because there was trouble, and he helps out when the Avengers need him. Loki's here because...well...because he likes to cause a lot of trouble. So Mr. Stark keeps an eye on him."


Fury gave a low whistle as the groggy man weakly lifted his head to look at him. "Mr. Norman Osborn. Wow. Take a good look, agents...we're in the presence of New York City Royalty." The man folded his arms behind him, his good eye sweeping over Osborn's face as the older man sneered as best as he could. "I saw you caused quite a commotion downtown."
"I'm surprised you see anything going on around you," the villain snipped, his voice hoarse and low as he held Fury's gaze.
Smirking, the director turned to the man beside Norman. "Clint?"
Barton gave a stiff nod and straightened up slightly as he relayed the report. "At approximately 8 P.M. last night, there was an explosion at an intersection just a few blocks away from Stark Tower. Two females were targeted by Norman Osborn, both working for Tony Stark."
"Huh, now that's interesting. Two employees of Stark being targeted? Taking that military weapons manufacturing rivalry a bit far, aren't we?"
Norman scoffed under his breath, his eyes flickering yellow briefly. "You don't understand a damn thing about this situation. Oscorp and Stark Industries has very little, if any, factor in this."
"Kinda like Terrence?" Gladys asked as she sat on her stool. Cherry smiled as she thought of Julie's now almost teenage sound. He was always a handful, getting into trouble, high energy and pranks. If something had gone amiss in the Osborn-Conners' household you could almost guarantee that Terrence was at the heart of it.
Amazon snorted as she finished Steve's coffee, "I think Loki is on a different level than Terry,"
Cherry smirked as she finished up the last round of pancakes and set a large platter of them on the table. "Just a little," cherry answered as the others began to filter into the kitchen. Amazon took the coffee over to Steve who smiled polietly at her.
"Thanks, you didn't have to," He said and Amazon grinned at him.
"No, no, I don't mind, really," She said, missing the cold look Loki was shooting her from behind the others. Gladys scrambled off her chair, hopping over to Thor and taking his big hand in hers.
"Thor! I want you to sit with me!" She chirped, pulling him towards the table. The large god chuckled warmly. He was currently dressed in a dark blue v-neck shirt and rugged jeans with work boots. He let the tiny girl pull him to a seat and scrambled up beside him. She leaned her elbows on the table and began to rattle off question after question at the golden man, her eyes shining. Thor grinned and happily began to answer them as everyone began to sit down and load their plates with pancakes.
Last to make his appearance was Tony, who emerged looking haggard and pale. His hair sticking up everywhere and bags under his eyes.


"I don't?" Fury snorted as he glared at the ragged man. Norman looked like hell on toast. His skin was sallow and glistening with sweat. He had bruises all over his body and a gash above his eyebrow. He glared at Fury as the intense man leaned close. "Then why don't you /enlighten/ me, Mr. Osborn?"
"Because this has nothing to do with you, Director, or your little toy soldiers," Norman spat, trembling in his restraints.
Natasha frowned as she watched Norman, her dark eyes glittering. She looked at Barton who exchanged glances with her.
"Then who is involved vith this?" She asked Norman, causing Fury's glare to flicker to her.
Amazon chuckled over her mouthful of pancakes as she spotted the billionaire shuffling into the room. "Well well! Look who decided to join us. How's the hangover?"
"Still hanging," Tony murmured, pressing a hand to his head as he gave a low moan. "Ugh...why are all of you people in my house?"
"We all knew Cherry would be cooking breakfast," Amazon chirped as she swallowed her food and glanced over at her friend. "And, might I say, it's a delicious breakfast. Good job."
Tony grunted as he took a seat at the head of the table. His eyes traveled over to Thor, who was still talking to Gladys in between bites of his pancakes, then to Loki, who seemed to poke more at his food with his fork than eat it. "So, what's on the agenda today, gang? Any fifty-foot monsters need pummeling?"
"So far things have been pretty quiet," Rogers chimed in as he sipped on his coffee, licking his lips and giving an approving nod to Amazon as she blushed faintly. Loki's eyes threw more daggers that went unnoticed as Rogers continued. "Still waiting to hear from Barton on Osborn's status at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters."
Gladys looked over as the men spoke in hushed terms about Norman, her green eyes growing sad as she looked up at Thor. "I wish grandpa hadn't gotten so mad last night," she murmured, her eyes glistening slightly as the god furrowed his brow. "He wouldn't have been so upset if I had just stayed with him."
"But then your mother would be very worried about you," Thor replied softly. "If you ask me, you are much safer here, with her. And with us to watch over you."


Norman snorted, his lip curling upwards slightly as he gazed at the young woman towering above him. "I don't recall you being involved in our little tussle last night. I don't see why I should have to tell /you/ anything."
"Because if you don't tell us the truth /now/," Fury interrupted before Natasha could speak, "we'll find a way to make you tell us."
The man's eyes shot back up to Fury, shimmering gold for a moment before fading back into their normal slate-blue color. "My granddaughter. They have my granddaughter."
"Who does?"
"She was in /my/ custody. Legally, she belongs to me, and yet they snatched her away!" he snarled.
Fury raised a brow. "/Who/ snatched her away?"
"Her mother!" the man seethed tugging slightly on his restraints. Natasha's hand drew closer to her firearm strapped to her hip. "Her mother and those misfits she associates with! They have her, they STOLE her, and I demand to have my granddaughter back!"
We learn what ever happened to Anatoly and Gladys play Go-Fish with Thor XD

© 2012 - 2024 cherryhobbit
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bbb35's avatar
Well, Legally I think Norman lost any and ALL rights to Glady after THAT, and his questionable sanity.


Steve nodded, crossing his arms over his chest, "You won't have anything to fear. We're not going to let anything happen to the little girl or you two,"
Amazon flushed, a smiled crossing her lips as she looked at the dashing young man. He was tall and handsome. He was good, wholly good, and she had never been drawn to anything like that before, but she liked the way he looked at everyone. He made everyone feel they were worth something, worth protecting and looking after.
She missed the dagger like glare of Loki as he slipped closer to the group, his clothes fairly dry now, some of the color returning to his alabaster cheeks. He sidled up to his brother, keeping clear of Clint, who eyed him dangerously. Thor looked down at Loki, being pulled from his thoughts.
"You are looking better, brother," Thor offered and Loki merely inclined his head. He looked at the two women from Cherry who was blowing her nose daintily and wincing at the pressure it put on her ribs to Amazon. The dark hair woman was currently making starry eyes at the Captain as he looked over his charges. The sparkle in her eyes made Loki's chest tighten and his nose wrinkle. He looked away, his hands clenching behind him.

Cherry rolled her eyes with a smile as she began to press herself to a stand when a large hand came into her view. Thor stood there, a gentle smile on his handsome, whiskered face. She blushed darkly and slipped her smaller hand into his. He pulled her to her feet like she was nothing.
"May I assist you to your room?" He asked and Cherry felt her heart slamming in her aching ribs. She nodded her head meekly. She just barely reached the god's shoulder and for all his muscle and stature, he was actually very gentle.
He offered her his elbow in a courtly manner and Cherry felt her blush creep down her neck as she accepted it, wrapping her hands around his brawny forearm.

Loved these parts the best.

I do like the idea of Amazon with Loki, or Stvee. ;)

But REALLY love the idea of Cherry/Thor :D

:iconsqueeeeplz: I mean, first...princes Gladdi!!

And two, he'd make a SUPER-step dad. really. :)

i love this and FULLY encourage more Thor/Cherry. :la: :love:

And Gladdi seems taken with him. ^_^